Nature has gifted us with everything. The wealth on this earth, water, air, green plants, vines, plants, mountains, surrounded by nature, provide us with everything. On our earth, not only the land area but also the gas zone protects the earth in 5 layers as it goes up.

 If the light that can come from the sun reaches the earth as it is, it will create a situation where various types of life living on the earth cannot survive.

If a tiny bee couldn't live here, how would pollination happen, how would plants grow, how would we get oxygen. Man's life depends on the entire nature if there are no bees then 90 per cent pollination is not possible how will new plants grow.

Atmospheric protection is necessary for the earth if such small life is to survive and this atmospheric protection is protecting the entire earth. We can know about this in some detail in this article.

Atmosphere is a mixture of gases

The air that surrounds the earth and covers it is called a gas atmosphere. It is noteworthy that no other planet in this solar system has a gas system.

 There is a large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and it is because of this that life on earth has appeared and developed and is present in large numbers today.

The gas layer extends up to 1600 km in the sky from the surface of the earth. The reason this gas system is attached to the Earth is because the Earth's gravitational force binds the gas system to itself.

 The gaseous atmosphere is a mixture of gases. Moist, dry air contains an average of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, with small amounts of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and helium. Its composition is almost constant in the lower layers of the atmosphere.

There is also a steam

In addition to the gases already mentioned, the lower layers of the gaseous zone contain various amounts of water vapour.

These vapours come from the heat of water in oceans, rivers, lakes, and water bodies. Condensation of small amounts of water vapour has some serious consequences.

Water vapour is a major component of the atmosphere, although it constitutes only three or four per cent of the total atmosphere.

Clouds are signs of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere. The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere varies from place to place and from time to time.

The atmosphere can be divided into five layers:


The troposphere, which is the closest to about 10 miles high, makes up nine-tenths of the air around Earth and is where our clouds form and the seasons develop. Here the temperature of the air decreases at the rate of one degree per 165 meters as it goes up.


The second layer is called the stratosphere. It starts at about a tenth of a mile and goes up to a height of 50 miles. Here the wind is much less than in the troposphere. Breathing is difficult here as the atmosphere is very low and there are no clouds and associated seasons.

This layer is best suited for flying large jets. Here is a wonder gas known as Ozone, a gas known to many in the world. This ozone absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.


The mesosphere is located about 50 to 80 kilometres above the Earth's surface. It is one of the coldest regions with an average temperature of minus 85 degrees Celsius. It is in this mesosphere that the rocket will operate.


 It is located about 80 to 700 kilometres above the Earth. The temperature increases due to the very low density of the molecules found here. There is no steam here. The International Space Station orbits in the thermosphere.


The exosphere is on the upper plate of the gas zone. It is located thousands of kilometres above the Earth. Constellations pass through this Exosphere. It is the boundary for spaceships, spaceships and rockets to travel to other planets.

This nature reserve is what we are doing

Five types of defences protect the earth. It is completely natural but what we are doing is we are artificially changing little by little this earth that nature is protecting.

We are completely polluting this naturally formed layer of the atmosphere with plastic waste, unnecessary waste and fumes emitted by factories. We are producing greenhouse gases.

The ozone layer is currently recovering little by little. So it is the people living on earth who have caused the biggest impact on ozone.

A huge hole in the ozone has been created by the release of unnatural gases due to over-manifesting without realizing it. This is going to affect the people of the earth to a great extent, fearing that many people are going to get skin cancer, all the countries of the world are now working together to fix it.

We can only fix it by living a greener life. We have polluted the Earth's land surface, and we have polluted the Earth's water levels, but more than that, when the atmosphere is filled with chemical substances, the entire atmosphere starts to become polluted.

Pollution of the atmosphere means pollution of the earth, so it is better not to produce gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. by burning unnecessary materials.

The man should protect this atmospheric region that nature has given us. Nature has given us this atmospheric region, but today we have created a situation where the water is polluted by rain full of pollutants and acid rain falls on the earth. We have to adopt a natural lifestyle to protect this shelter that nature has given us.

If we artificially pollute the atmosphere, every living thing on Earth will pollute, and humans will also pollute at some point. Earth is the best place for humans to continue to live if they live naturally to protect nature and protect the atmosphere.